
Haro MTB is now on Vimeo and Flickr!

Want to see more Haro action, photos, and behind-the-scenes stuff? We are now on Vimeo and Flickr!

I just uploaded a collection of small video clips I took up in Oregon on our catalog photo shoot. These are really short and they aren't studio-quality since I took them with the video setting on my little digital camera. Good stuff though...lots of skatepark and jump clips of Porter, Phil, Blake, and Wilson. Check it out here!

We also have a Flickr page that we plan to fill with tons of photos. For now, I uploaded all the images I took of our photo shoot in Oregon. We'll be adding more images very soon! Check it out here!

And don't forget that you can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace to get all the lastest news!

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