
Keep the rubber side down!

Happy New Year everyone! We're finally emerging from our holiday vacations so we'll be back on board with regular updates.

I know many of you live in areas where your local trails are covered in snow so you might now be getting too much riding in these days. For those of us who are fortuntate enough to live where we never see much snow, let's try to cheer up our brothers and sisters in Haroland who might be snowed in with some pictures and ride reports. So next time you are out and about on your Haro, snap a few pics and write a paragraph or two about your ride and send it to me. I'll select a few and post them up here on the website. You can send your pictures and ride reports to me at mtbcontact@harobikes.com.

From all of here at Haro, we just want to wish you all a very safe and prosperous New Year! Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up. Too bad this guy didn't get that memo before his ride:

Chris Warren and his 2009 Extreme X7 at the Big Creek trails in Roswell, GA

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